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    Mars Raman Spectrometer

    Model :Mars

    Keyword :High resolution, high sensitivity, configurable spectral range, configurable excitation wavelengths

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    • Introduction


    Multi-channel micro confocal Raman spectrometer is used to analyze the composition and structure of molecular substances. Combining the micro-imaging technology and Raman spectroscopy technology, it can provide high resolution and high sensitivity Raman spectroscopy images. Scalable two-dimensional automatic displacement platform to realize the scanning imaging of Raman spectra. Confocal Raman spectroscopy technology is now widely used in cancer, tumor Raman spectroscopy research, graphene and other materials characterization, electrochemical reaction processes and other material composition identification and characterization.


    ◆ 1. The host adopts 320mm focal length three grating tower grating spectrometer, built-in 500nm-1050nm scannable grating spectrometer, configured with 3 grating gratings, built-in 600 lines, 1200 lines and 1800 lines of grating, which can be configured with 785nm and 532nm dual-channel micro-collimated Raman spectrometer, with Raman spectral resolution ≤ 2cm-1, spectral spatial resolution ≤ 1m, and the spectral resolution ≤ 1m, which can be configured with 785nm and 532nm dual channel micro confo


    Raman spectral mode: 532nm Specifications
    Item Value
    Raman spectral mode 532nm
    Spectral range 60-4500 cm-1
    Spectral resolution ~2 cm-1
    Excitation wavelength 532±0.5 nm
    Laser linewidth ≤ 0.04 nm
    Laser power 0-80 mW adjustable
    Raman spectral mode: 785nm Specifications
    Item Value
    Raman spectral mode 785nm
    Spectral range 60-3500 cm-1
    Spectral resolution ~2 cm-1
    Excitation wavelength 785±0.5 nm
    Laser linewidth ≤ 0.04 nm
    Laser power 0-80 mW adjustable
    Microscope module
    Item Value
    microscope module Flat-field infinite-range metallographic imaging system with uplight illumination and imaging camera with a resolution of 10 megapixels or more. Raman and micro confocal coupling module.
    objective (optics) Configure the 20X, 50X, and 100X objectives
    litter-bearing platform Equipped with automated XY scanning displacement stage, the translation range is ≧ 75 mm in X direction and ≧ 75 mm in Y direction, and the single-step translation error is ≤ 1 μm
    software module
    Item Value
    software functionality 1. including the acquisition of spectra, data analysis and database management functions; 2. able to achieve the laser switch, power software settings, power software settings for the minimum interval of 1 mw; 3. able to achieve the spectral integration time, the continuous acquisition of the configuration and settings of the function; 4. equipped with two-dimensional auto-scanning platform accessories, the software can be set to the X, Y scanning intervals and the number of points to achieve the auto-scanning; 5. equipped with micro-optical Imaging function.
    software algorithm 1. spectral smoothing (S-G smoothing, Whatter smoothing); 2. fluorescence baseline fitting and deduction algorithms (AirPLS); 3. spectral data normalisation, peak identification, peak area calculation; 4. spectral data self-constructed library reading function, built-in a certain number of spectral standard database.
    database 1. provide Ruohai Spectrum cloud management database account and 3 years free spectral map database cloud search and identification function. 2. provide local spectral data self-construction function.

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